HBO Series Rome

In the HBO series Rome there is quite a bit of nudity. Some of it is gratuitous but most of it is done well. In the first episode of Season One we see Calpurnia (played by Helena Bonham Carter) completely nude in her bath. She stands so we see her full frontal and then she turns and walks up the steps out of the bath. I couldn't help but think of her as she is now, presently playing British Princess Margaret. In the fourth episode we see Marc Anthony (played by James Purefoy) standing full frontal nude in his courtyard being given an oil rub by his man slave. All the while he is having a conversation with a fellow soldier as he watches. We don't see Purefoy's backside and during the close up body shots we only see him from the waist up but the open complete nudity was refreshing and I loved the natural casual openness of it between the men. There are numerous sex scenes but these two non sex scenes stood out to me.

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RE:HBO Series Rome

I watched part of the first season and was board to tears much better show Spartacus acting, storyline, and nuded scenes lots of violence very well done

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