Nude in a city in the UK

In August of this year, it was very warm, even late at night. I moved to Norwich UK at the end of July. I had to go out to get some shopping and walked up to the Market. Everything was closed. I sat on bench in the street, took my clothes and walked the kilometre back to my appartment. Met a few people, but no issue. Anyone done the same or similar?

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

glad you took the opportunity to get naked and daring. And that you had positive experience. thanks for sharing

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

Sounds like a great experience

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

You are more daring than most. I'm sure we have all had the desire to do it. i even have it on my bucket list, but I've yet to actually do it.

I'm looking forward to the world opening back up again after Covid, because I've been promising myself for years that I will attend Pride, fully nude, but as yet, no. the following is something I wrote on another post, but it applied here so I've copied and pasted it. here.

This was such a fun experience. was about 20 years ago now, I found an ad for an artist who wanted models to body paint for an art show.

First off I went to his place and "auditioned" that ws fun, and he told me abut the show. it was a show where local known artists in the Toronto area, were being asked to step outside of their usual media and create a "fashion". the entire thing wold be done as a fashion show. ours was to be "Evening Wear"

He hired 2 guys and one girl, and we had to show up at the gallery , strip naked in front of everyone and let the Artist, Menno Krant, do his work. his work tends to be very primal, almost like modern cave paintings. and he painted my entire body, head to toe in artist acrylic paint. in the style of his work.

After that the fashion show happened, and we had to come out on the runway, fully nude, but with only paint covering us. but still our dicks and everything on view for everyone to see. they payed electronic music and he had us dance/walk down the runway in a quirky manner.

Afterwards, there was a small reception, where we stayed nude, but everyone began leaving. I was really disappointed because I tend to fine that the onger Ive been naked in public the harder it is to put clothes back on. it was only 9:30. Menno however had other ideas. he wanted to go across the street to a bar called The Cadillac Lounge, where live bands play, and he wanted us to come with him, nude.

I was really afraid, but the other 2 were in, so I thought, well so long as I'm not the only one nude on Queen street on a Saturday night, in Parkdale . Parkdale tends to be an odd neighbourhood. run down Victorian buildings, and a mixture of low income people, artists and musicians who call it home. with prostitutes, drug dealers, trendy bars, galleries and lots of revellers everywhere. Grit meets cool in the most unique manner in Parkdale.

Anyway. we headed out the door, menno's car was parked in front of The Cadillac Lounge, he had us carry our clothes and he was going to put them into his trunk for us, so we cold be naked in the bar without any clothes at all to hinder us. We weren't even wearing shoes. the first thing I saw when we stepped outside was s cop arresting some guy. he looked at us, did a double take, and then went back to arresting his perp.

we got to the car, put out clothes in the trunk, but then Menno informed us that he needed some cigarettes. the store to buy them at was a 7/11 about 4 blocks east. and he wanted us to go with him. Well it was either go with him or say here naked by myself, since my clothes were already looked in his car, so I headed on the walk down the street, fully nude, and body painted, wht these 2 other models and Menno Krant.

The walk there was relatively uneventful, lots of hoots and hollers, and when a streetcar went past, everyone inside hooted too. we arrived at the 7/11, it has a gas bar out front and we decided that going inside while nude was a bad idea, so the 3 of us stayed outside, while Menno went in and got his smokes.

While we stood outside, there was a group of black guys and a group of Asian guys who saw us. The black guys started taunting us about dick size. my dick is a nice size, but it is obviously not going to compare to these black guys, but then the Asian guys started chiming in too.

The Black guys started to point out the hypocrisy that the Asian guys were making fun of our dick sizes. meanwhile, the 3 of us are speechless. this began to excellent into what could have been a fight, and here we are in the middle of it. None of us have said a word, but our mere nude presence is about to cause a rumble. Just them Menno came out and we were able to leave. which we did very quickly.

then we walked back to The Cadillac Lounge, this time a couple of women came out of a restaurant, and asked to take out pictures. we said yes and posed for them. more hoots and hollers, more streetcars and car honks. eventually we made it back to the bar. as we arrived, i suddenly thought, there is no way the bouncer is going to let us in with no clothes on, but the the woman with us, approached him first, and he he put his thumb up, said, "cool", and let us in.

The rest of the night was fairly uneventful 'cept it turned out that the band playing was that of a friend of mine. i stayed in the back room mostly because I didn't think it would be right to upstage his band, and I'm sure my mere nude presence would have done just that. lots of people bought us drinks which was great since no pockets meant no money, and it was awesome that lots of people wanted to talk to me, and not one of them looked at my face at all.

A few years later, I was at a party and met a woman. we became friends, and after meeting at a few other parties I was invited to her place for a party. on the wall at her place was a a collage of photographs. one of them was of me body painted. She was the one who had run out of the restaurant and asked to photograph us.

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

In most of the US, that'd get you arrested and you'd be a registered sex offender for the rest of your life.

Wish the US was a not so prudish.

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

Wow, that's incredibly brave! How did people react when they saw you?

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

Wow, that's incredibly brave! How did people react when they saw you?

Did you not read it?

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RE:Nude in a city in the UK

Did you or the others complain that he only brought up going to get cigarettes AFTER locking all your clothes in his trunk? That sounds pretty questionable. Otherwise, quite an interesting story. Sounds like people for the most part were accepting and just the two groups outside the 7/11 were ready to stir up trouble.

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Snap your fingers and I am nude :)

Hi everyone,
I like to ride my 12 speed bike for 10-12 miles and back. I use all kinds of streets and paths that are safe as you can get.
I made this pair of really tight shorts to open over one leg and you are nude in the saddle. I used velcro and a needle and thread. took about an hour.
I don't usally wear a shirt and underwear, so except for my sneakers, I am completely nude when I release the velcro overlap on the left side. It opens at the waist and goes to the right leg and drops low.
I decided to try it out for the very first time. I live in central florida area, Florida is less resistant and easy going when it comes to nudity. At least that is what I found out on several occaisions. This is about one of those times.
Its late afternoon and hot and humid, I get on my bike and leave my complex looking as I always do. After about 3 miles of riding I come to a railroad track and cutoff so I get off the maintrol center road and now I'm on gravel path along the tracks, which are active with passenger and freight trains at least 1 to 2 per hour. It's not easy in the gravel so I'm in a lower gear.
No one around at all and the tracks are empty. So I tried the mod to the shorts I made and it snapped open and shimmyed down my right leg, I stopped for a moment and took my foot out of the right leg opening. I am fully nude and getting excited. I'm being bad and it's fun :)
I then hear a noise coming from the tracks behind me and I turn to look, It's one of these work platforms on wheels chugging down the tracks on my side and two people on board. I nearly choked on my own spit. They are only 50 to 60 yards and I can see them clearly, so they can surely see me. The naked bike rider is on railroad property nude. They are hoopin and yelling at me, and one of these two people is women. In working garb and a hat. She starts yelling, don't you see the NO Treaspassing signs??
The man is controlling a lever at the control center and slowly stops the thing. They both got off at the same time and headed straight towards me. I'm in trouble now, I'm thinking :( The women is looking right at my privates and repeats herself about observing the signs. What are you doing back hear? I explain that I'm trying to build up my endurance for the bike ride in July 2019 and I thought this was a good way of doing it. They both looked at each other and laughed, is it the naked bike festival your training for? laughing really loud and then I started laughing with them, Shit this is going to end okay for me, Well they said we will get you to the next crossing to keep you from getting a ticket for treaspassing.
I said thank you ten times. The man takes my bike and puts it in the holding area in the back of the riding platform. The lady gets on and says watch your step. So here I am with two railroad workers going down the tracks. I'm holding on to the railing and my dingy is swaying in the wind. We are doing at least 35 miles an hour. She looks at me and says. Are you chilly?
I laughed out loud and so did she. I asked the man how much further is the next crossing and he said t least two more miles. He said you will be by the intersection for the huge mall in my town. I said can I leave then and he said yes. So about ten more minutes and we changed tracks at a switch, I think you call it that? They said go head and hop off, so I get down and he gets my bike for me and hands it down to me. The first thing I said was, where are my shorts? He replys they must of flown off in the wind. I said I can't ride home naked its 4 to 5 miles. They reply, we are sorry but it was nice helping the naked man out, but... They scoot off and go inside a large warehouse and the doors close. I'm only 100 feet from the main road and I hear a passenger train coming. its AMTRAC, and its doing 80 mph. They really book down these tracks. with the loud horns blowing
I scoot out to the main road and the gates are down and lights are blinking and traffic is all lined up on both sides and they are watching me, I feel the people staring at me, I was nearly frozen. I'm on a main road and stopped at the train tracks with all these cars and people are blowing their horns at me. I can't beat the train, so I am frozen with the used car lot on either side of me. This really sucks and I know I will be on the 6 o clock news hour. I know that people are filming this very seldom seen event with their phones. I booked ASAP after the train passed me. I'm cranking in 7th gear doing at least 40 mph and people are slowing down with the windows down and yelling all kinds of stuff, no anger or threats just laughing.
I had to of gone 2 miles and had to stop at two traffic lights. A black P/U truck pulls up along side of me and is talking but I could hardly understand them with the traffic noise. The passenger, a lady throws out a pair of light pink shorts, and I heard her say. I HOPE THEY FIT as they speed through the intersection.
I hopped off my bike and grabbed the shorts, they are tight but I'm going to make them fit !!! I'm saying fucking pink, dam it all and then I said thank you lady in the truck and thank you LORD, Amen
Thats it folks, Oh I was never on the evening news I checked it for 4-5 nights on all channels. LOL :)

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RE:Snap your fingers and I am nude :)

That is an amazing story. Glad it worked out ok!

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