Summer Christmas
Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I am Ignaas(short for Ignatius)
I live in South Africa. So basically our Christmas lunch will be completely different to those of you living in the northern regions. Our drinks will be icy cold. The sides to the dishes will be salads. Cold watermelon etc. I hope everyone will have a Merry Xmas. Stay safe. May 2021 be prosperous for everyone.
- 4 years ago
Welcome Ignaas that for share the intro
- 4 years ago
Question for you and anyone else in the southern hemisphere.
Do you take advantage of the warm weather on Christmas and/or New Years by spending most or all of the day nude?
- 4 years ago
Most definitely. Today I am mowing the lawn nude. And will spend the afternoon naked on the porch. Probably with an ice cold jug of sangria
- 4 years ago
Most definitely. Today I am mowing the lawn nude. And will spend the afternoon naked on the porch. Probably with an ice cold jug of sangria
Sounds like a great way to spend the day hope you enjoyed Happy New Year
- 3 years ago