I am naked now, ying in bed.
- 13 years ago
Anyone in Scotland that wants the chance to dare to bare....come along to one of my Stripped Saturday Socials (held fairly regularly in Central Scotland) - strip games, dares, puzzles, challenges and, of course, nudity: but, who will be nude first?
Check the Scotland Today group for upcoming meets or, message me directly.
- 13 years ago
I visited the north west coast of Scotland inmid summer and I would not dare to bare there. It was swarming with midges which bite any exposed skin
- 13 years ago
Yes, been naked since midnight last night and now it's 3.30pm. Had a lie-in till 9am, cleaned teeth, got milk of the front doorstep and had breakfast. Then it was some computor work and household chores including hanging out the washing.Chatted on cam on Skype. Showered at noon. Lunch then bringing the washing in - very windy and had to hunt for the duvet cover. Ironing till 3pm. I plan to get dressed at 4, as I have to clean the car out ready to give some people a lift. Faily regular day really. (Really?)
- 13 years ago
Check out my profile pics (if you have a paid account) and I Dare you to Bare it all as I have, no shame here, just happy to be naked :-)
- 13 years ago
Yes I am naked right now and have been since returning home after
work. I just walked across the street to the mailbox nude at 5:30
am and only 4C. That's one dare completed. Any suggestions for the next dare
- 9 years ago
I am naked while reading this, I am usually naked when on TN.
- 9 years ago
||Yes, but it sure would be nice to have some warm weather!
- 9 years ago
It sure would be nice for some warm weather.
- 9 years ago
So just how often do we dare to be bare? Are you naked when you read this?
Definitely naked...I am always up for that dare...just stood naked with my front door open giving directions on how to get to the highway from my place...I was in plain view for anyone driving or walking by...it felt very natural.
- 9 years ago