backyard damp
i've noticed my yard especially the backyard isn't drying even though not muddy but when walking on it you can feel your shoes sinking a little , haven't had all that much rain and been in the 50's f most days of course colder at night.. i don't remember this in past winters in georgia . one of my leyland cypress maybe 5 foot tall has even tipped over because of the damp soil.
- 4 years ago
My backyard is the same. Not muddy, but definitely damp and moist. And my backyard is my naked haven. Love to stretch our naked on a towel and soak in the sun. Could it be global warming that is the cause of this weird change in our soil?
- 4 years ago
Mine here in MN is rock solid ;-) Before the sub freezing weather hit it was not wet but soft and spongy feeling.
- 4 years ago
could it be a leak from a septic system or water line?
- 4 years ago
A couple of things could happen...look at the lay (elevation changes) shape your yard for directional flow; has your grass lifted due to watering practices; do you have a pipe leak? Turn off all the water faucets in your house / shop and go check the water meter. Most have a low flow indicator that turns indicating a leak somewhere in your system. Good luck...its a pain.
- 4 years ago
Has the ground got compacted over the years so it doesn't drain so well and if you think it could be use a garden fork to make holes to the full depth of the tynes for a medium size patch to see if that helps and if it does hire/buy a correct tool and some sharp sand to fill the holes in and doo all the grass.
- 4 years ago
could it be a leak from a septic system or water line?
front yard same thing
- 4 years ago
If you haven't had your tank cleaned out or checked and made sure you don't have a water line leak. It is more than likely you need your tank pumped out and.
- 4 years ago
If you haven't had your tank cleaned out or checked and made sure you don't have a water line leak. It is more than likely you need your tank pumped out and.
If you have just a wet soft spot then it could be a water leak and if you have a dry spell in the summer the grass will stay growing as well. Also if it is a problem with your septic tank you will find the grass will grow faster due to the grass having more feed than other parts of the grass.
- 4 years ago
i went down in my yard yesterday and i'm just guessing because it slopes down in the back it is just collecting there , my neighbor was out back and we chatted his yard is more level he said it's somewhat wet but not slushy like mine. no water leak and no septic tank .
- 4 years ago
How much sun does your yard get and is the air flow good or somewhat blocked by trees/bushes? If a septic system were involved you would most likely smell it.
- 4 years ago