An unexpected New Years Eve

I had made no plans to usher out 2020 other than to soak solo in my hot tub with a hard cider in my hand . But about 8pm Dec 31st I got a request from a guy through Airbnb asking if he and his girlfriend could book my spare room for the night. I pondered it a bit figuring it would screw up my plans to greet the new year naked. But figured that would be a small sacrifice to have somebody to celebrate with. They arrived about 9:30 and I gave them the tour, clothed, and told them to make themselves at home. I mentioned a hot tub soak was a midnight option and they both agreed it was a must do and the house rules of no swimsuits allowed were fine with them.
Then they went upstairs for a while and i read . I heard some sounds but really did not give it much thought. At one point he came down just wrapped in a towel and went to the bathroom and then went back up. About 11 pm they came down fully clothed and stepped outside by the hot tub for a smoke. But not tobacco. Fine with me, I don't care if someone enjoys some weed. They were still out there after 11:30 which was when I planned to start soaking . So I stripped off and went out. They said hi and came inside and stripped themselves then climbed in the tub. We soaked until after 1am with a brief interruption to toast the new year between sharing stories. When we got out he went to bed but she wanted me to teach her a fun dice game i had mentioned. I put a only open shirt on and she put some shorts and a bra back on. We played game and then she went to bed.
I did too and curled up with my book. It soon became obvious that he had not gone to sleep. The bed springs squeaking and her moans carried well through the old house ductwork . The guest room is directly above my master bedroom
This morning over coffee they brought something up about making noise and I fessed up that yes I had heard things. We all laughed it off. I had only put back on the open shirt no pants mainly due to the chilly kitchen.

Turns out my place was their first date. They had been chatting online and he had picked her up at her mother's place where she is temporarily living . They met in person for the first time only an hour or two before arriving. Their original plan was to drive to Chicago last night ( about 4 hours away) but decided to stay local and head up today
That is when they found my place. We have swapped phone numbers and plan to stay in touch. I have made 2 new friends and the guy wants his Mom and her boyfriend to book a night at my place. He thinks we would click.

And I got to greet the New Year nude too. Other than the open shirt I have not had clothes on this year. now 16 hrs plus old.
And this is not some old guy's fantasy Every bit that i related is true. They were in the late 20s or early 30s but were totally cool with a nude host and sharing a soak.
Got another guest due in late tomorrow as he moves from NYC to Colorado. I will invite him to soak away the driving stiffness.
We will see what happens.

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RE: An unexpected New Years Eve

What a great way to welcome in the new year. It sounds like your new found friends will be back for future visits.

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RE:An unexpected New Years Eve

Awesome many times it comes when your not expecting it. Bless you happy new year

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RE:An unexpected New Years Eve

Great story! Sometimes the unexpected surprises are the best. I know your friends have a great memory of their first date.

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