What personal act would you perform to complete male bonding? FORUM POST
What personal act would you performto complete male bonding?
Lets say you and a best friend wanted to show each other that you were best of friends and you had to complete some kind of act to prove your friendship for eternity, what would it be?
This was a post on the FORUM from a straight guy. I think that it blew away some of the more homophobic members of this site. So, I pose the question to my gay friends. What personal act would you preform to complete male bonding ?
I am not sure myself but sex is not the answer that I will give. I will think this over. It is Friday the 13th sooooo I will not make any committments today ! HA HA !
I would help them out with whatever it is they needed that they coulden't do for themselves . lets start something here . whenever possible , do something to help someone out . andask them to please pay it forward . they are not allowed to pay it back . If you ever seen the movie Pay it Forward then you know what i mean . If you havent seen it then i recomed this movie . 2 thumbs up .
For me just being a good fiend should be proof enough. I'm the type of person if I'm your friend there's love there and there's nothing in my power i wouldn't do to help a friend in need. Part of being a friend is being a helping hand weather two hands are enough or not, 4 hands is always better than 2... As a good friend your always willing to lend your physical and mental attributes. I think defining someone as a best friend takes time and appreciation for the things that person brings to your life and friendship.
Perhaps hokey, but some small gift that actually says something about being best friends -- could be pendant, ring on cord, dogtags... even a coffee mug. The thought counts, but putting anything "in writing" would making it particularly meaningful.