First Tine

Lets talk about the first time you chucks dunked? Where how old.? With others? Please share.

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RE:First Tine

Nice that is a great story thanks for sharing.

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RE:First Tine

Thats great and sounds fun

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RE:First Tine

Sounds fun. Should call them up and make it happen again.

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RE:First Tine

Believe me, I would love to. Some of us did about 5 yrs ago, but it was in the presence of some current spouses, so not as freeing as it used to be.

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RE:First Tine

That stinks.

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RE:First Tine

Nice great story

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RE:First Tine

I agree we do that also

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RE:First Tine

I think I was 15yo at the time. We lived next to a salt water pond where we would take our boat across to the barrier beach between the pond and the ocean. One day, having taken the boat out by myself, I was swimming in the ocean and since no one was around, I took off my bathing suit. It was such a great feeling having nothing on. Later on, I constructed a Styrofoam ball with clothes pin so I wouldn't lose my suit. I only did this a few times. My next nude swim won't be until my early 40's on vacation on Cape Cod.

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RE:First Tine

That is great story. I would do it again also

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RE:First Tine

IN high school, a friend and I went out to the irrigation ditches.

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