sad sad situation

I am FB friends with a guy who I met through a common love of travel. He is in his 30s and widely traveled. We have shared my travel stories while chatting online and I have been open about some of my naked adventures . He has never condemned me and always been amused. I told him I am making a list of states and countries where I have either skinny dipped or done something else naked. He admitted that he has never skinny dipped in his life. He added his only nude things done was showers and sex! He actually sounds interested in checking out a nude 5K run at Turtle Lake Resort and seems like he would skinny dip if the opportunity came up. But somehow has gotten to his late 30s and not yet swam in the buff is a sad sad world to live in.

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RE:sad sad situation

There are not a lot of opportunities for some of us to skinny dip. Had it not been for my college PE swimming class which required us to be nude, and my wife's parents place on a lake, I could have made it to 30 without the pleasure of nude water play.

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RE:sad sad situation

Similar here. The only place I swam nude before I was 30 was my friend's pool, and even then it was only when his parents were not at home.

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RE:sad sad situation

I was lucky to have spent some of my early life in Germany, where there were clubs that offered nude swimming. But in the US, it's been only in private pools with friends, and a few nude beaches. (One of those beaches, near Santa Cruz, California, is no longer a nude beach.) It seems perfectly possible to me that someone in his or her thirties would not have had the pleasure of nude swimming in company.

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RE:sad sad situation

I do not know how one could not swim naked at Turtle whether in the large indoor facility, outdoor pool or the lake other than by self choice. Turtle has a lot to offer as you know. I have seen many visitors come into our small club. They enjoyed themselves, members welcoming them and all but it really was curiosity, bucket list if you will that was a one off thing.

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RE:sad sad situation

It's never too late for nudism. If someone has no nudist experience in the 30s, he or she gets it later. They should just do holidays at the right places. =)

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RE:sad sad situation

I never had many opportunities to be nude outside with others while growing up or in college or just after. In college, I did go to the local lake, by bike, and skinny dipped there by myself. Did not feel like a nudist when I was nude by myself. Kind of like the tree falling in the forest when no one is around.

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RE:sad sad situation

Many people don't get the chance to skinny dip due to the life style they live and where they are and who with to do it such as myself other when I was about 12 it could have happened so don't thing anything else if someone hasn't done it at all.

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RE:sad sad situation

. Did not feel like a nudist when I was nude by myself. Kind of like the tree falling in the forest when no one is around.

I would say that you were indeed a nudist. It's just that you weren't a social nudist, a nudist in a social situation.

If you feel that all is right in the world when you are nude, you are a nudist, regardless of how many people may be around you. IMO.

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