Working Naked Day
This day of 5th February 2021 is once again the day we should celebrate nudity. Hope this day goes viral and more will participate. How about you?
Working Naked Day
- 4 years ago
This day of 5th February 2021 is once again the day we should celebrate nudity. Hope this day goes viral and more will participate. How about you?Working Naked Day
I am retired so I didn't work yesterday in the traditional sense.
Must have been started by someone in the Southern Hemisphere.
Work naked day would probably be a lot more appealing if the high temperature was above 40F and there wasn't a foot of snow on the ground.
- 4 years ago
We walked in the early morning yesterday. We came home and decided to do a little yard work out front so we kept our walking duds on. We moved to the backyard where the clothes came off and did some yard work back there for a while. My wife and I took outdoor showers, she went inside to work on a project and I went into my work shed and finished a couple of projects; a lamp made out of a whiskey bottle and a Tiki torch, also made out of a whiskey bottle. When you're retired, that's the type of work you do but we almost always work naked when we are at home.
- 4 years ago
It would have been a frostbite day had I worked naked. I was out the door with my insulated bibs and heavy jacket to blow snow from my yard and a couple of friends. It can be pretty cold even with the heat on it the tractor's cab, but blowing snow is rather fun. What became work was putting the windshield wiper back on while it was only three degrees F, and the tractor not starting again at the same temperature, and trying to figure out why it started earlier when it was colder. It took checking electrical connections with bare hands. That's as naked as I could get on that job. I would have been naked when I moved indoors for work there, but there was no motivation for work. So, I stripped, climbed into the spa and warmed up, then proceeded to hit the bed for a nap. That was naked time too.
- 4 years ago
Yah--NOOO, Outdoor construction work naked at -4f I don't think so.
- 4 years ago
I love the idea about this being a national thing as it encourages more ppl to try out nudism while working. I however ALAWAYS work naked as I work from home and don't have to worry about clothes.
- 4 years ago