Almost Donald Duck
My question about Donald-Ducking (elsewhere) was about whether your shirt length was sufficient to get away with it in a textile area. Donald Duck is famous for wearing a shirt while not wearing pants.
A similar question my arise when your swimsuit by itself may be a little or very brief. For example, when walking from where I am staying to the beach or its access trail, do I just wear the suit, add a shirt or also add shorts?
My answer may depend on the briefness of the swimsuit, the location, the time of day (quiet or busy) and perhaps the length of my shirt. I've probably done every combination such as adding the shorts since only a tiny bit of suit may have otherwise been visible below the hem of the shirt and i wanted to avoid double takes. Or a shorter shirt may show most of the swimsuit so a walk down the main street to the beach may be better with shorts also, but perhaps not if I am pulling my kayak on its trolley or have my beach towel.
Occasionally I go with the shorter shirt even if it shows a lot of my brief suit, depending on mood and circumstances.
My choice is likely to be neither shirt nor shorts if driving to the beach-side carpark, regardless of the suit!
Met up with my wife at the textile beach today, parking on an arterial with strip shopping as it was as close as I could get. Had a polo and barely-visible shorts over my brief pink swimsuit. Just to reassure shoppers that I wasn't Donald Ducking and turn down potential flashes of hot pink. Perhaps I needent be so worried! Thongs were fairly common among the young females once I reached the sand.