Disinfecting the greenhouse.
As it was a lovely day I decided to spray the greenhouse with jays fluid so it will be ready to start planting up for the summer and the best way to stop getting any on my cloths is to do it naked. This is the second year I have done it naked.
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- 4 years ago
RE:Disinfecting the greenhouse.
I always thought working in s greenhouse would be a great job to fo nude! Do you have an outdoor shower there as well!
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- 4 years ago
RE:Disinfecting the greenhouse.
I always thought working in s greenhouse would be a great job to fo nude! Do you have an outdoor shower there as well!
No I don't have an outdoor shower.
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- 4 years ago
RE:Disinfecting the greenhouse.
i had to look up jayes fluid i need to used this in my shed thxs for the tip
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- 4 years ago
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