New to this site.
Greetings from St Charles, GF and I are both nudist. Spend a few weekends at the 40 Acre last year, cant wait for the weather to get warmer. We are not swingers but would enjoy any nudist parties that might be happening. Nude Yoga could be an activity as well.
- 4 years ago
Hi from just across the Mississippi. There are several others from the StL area but except for the 40 Acre Club there aren't a lot of activities. There is one C/O Yoga group on the MeetUp.Com site. I have been to a number of the classes and love them. Welcome to TrueNudists. I hope you love it here.
- 4 years ago
Good to know. I am in meetup groups but I do not see it listed. Is it still active?
- 4 years ago
It is still active and there is a class on Sunday. The group is called STL Clothing Optional Yoga.
- 4 years ago
I have often thought about going to that yoga class but have not gone yet.
- 4 years ago
Hello folks. I recently have gotten into nudism this year. Been to 40 acres twice and 3 other resorts within a days drive of St. Louis. I have met some terrific people. Plan on going to the Naked mile at Valley View on Aug 7th and the Nude Olympics on Sept 6th. I never knew how much fun this is but I'm glad to be nude.
- 4 years ago
We are in St Charles and would love meet you willard and Mary
- 2 years ago
Mary loves in St Charles we would love to visit you two. We can't host as she has a son that lives with her Willard
- 2 years ago
Would love to visit you guys sometime Willard and Mary
- 2 years ago
Mary and I would like to try that if we knew where
- 2 years ago