
Hey I'm new and close to actually going to a naturist event. I have a couple of things that are on my mind. Firstly I'm quite nervous about doing it but know that it is just because its new but I'm in a wheelchair that shouldn't be a problem should it? I suppose its all about confidence which brings me on to my second d thing. Size I know everyone is different but I have felt it has held me back and lowers my confidence and self esteem quite abit. Do people at naturist places meets walks what ever are they accepting no matter how you look

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I can't speak for all people and all places, but I personally would have no problem with anybody in a wheelchair. (I was in one myself for a while.)

You may want to check with resorts and camps to see whether they're ADA compliant, and what impediments you may encounter. And remember that many get-togethers are in private homes and such, which may not be wheelchair friendly, even if the people are. If you've been in a wheelchair for a while, you probably already know about that!

But don't let the fact that you need a wheelchair discourage you. The whole point of true nudism is accepting people for who they are, and not what the limitations of their bodies are.

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Im not in a wheelchair although I may be there eventually. I have an invisible disability, actually several, one of which has the potential to take my ability to walk. I dont think that being in a wheelchair should stop you from exploring social nudity. I have a friend who fences from his walker and he is a very good fighter and people choose to battle with him because he is a good fighter, not because he is an easy win. He is comfortable in his skin and his walker is just one more of his needed accessories. If your wheelchair stops folks from getting to know you, clothed or nude, then the loss is theirs. Do what is right for you and dont be afraid to break down some new barriers. I will be cheering you on.

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There will be the usual problems. But you will find that people in a nudist context are generally more open to the variety of people's bodies and abilities than folks in general.

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At the places I have been, there have been people using walkers, canes, wheelchairs among other things to get around. No one cared how they got there or what limb was missing, if they are missing one or both breast or what other scars that they have. We were all glad to be enjoying some time socially nude.

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