Completely naked and unshaven
As the name I have chosen says, and as all my photos show, I am and I show myself naked, completely and completely naked. I am not embarrassed or ashamed to show myself naked for any of you to see me, but I am very happy to share my complete nakedness with anyone. I think it is natural to be and to show ourselves naked, as it is natural for me to keep and show the hair of our body. I'm aware that I don't look attractive but that doesn't stop me from showing myself as I really am without hiding anything. I am naked without problems and without ulterior motives showing myself fully as I am. I think anyone on this site shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to show everyone their total nakedness. As we are, we are ok and don't be afraid to show your naked body. I would therefore like to dialogue and be in friendship with other people who wish to be and show themselves naked and are not ashamed of their nudity. So I will be happy to welcome every friend request from anyone (woman, couple, man) who shows himself in freedom and without embarrassment naked. My profile is accessible to everyone so that you can read what I wrote and especially look at my photos. Greetings to all from Italy. Andrew
- 4 years ago
I used to have some photos of myself with clothing on in my profile. But I realized that they were contrary to my philosophy that the human body is good and does not need to be covered. I removed all of those images.
- 4 years ago
Naked and unshaven as well. I love natural.
- 4 years ago