RE:How long have you been married?

Married 30 years. Wife was never ok with social nudity, but in the beginning she would sometimes bare a little while on our boat alone. Now, she does not enjoy anything, and is not tolerant of my desire to be nude, social or even at home.

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RE:How long have you been married?

My fellow nudist buddies... I'm not a person who tries to medal in another's relationship but let me just say this.
I have a wife who is not a nudist, when I'm at home I'm either nude or in sexy underwear...neither of which phases her. When I started out as a home nudist she would make comments or roll her eyes.
I didn't let it hinder me from doing/ being what I enjoy. I have had many nudist guy friends who have similar difficulties with their wives. My response to all of them is." she is your wife not your mother, you are a what YOU desire. if she doesn't want to look she can go to another room!
My best friend of 53 years had a wife who would tell at him if he was nude around the house. He would come over my house and hang out nude with me because I have a huge private outdoor area.
In January of 2020 he and I had lunch together and he tearfully told me he wished he could be more like me and enjoy nudism. My word to him was " Do you want to wake up one day and find yourself 80 years old and you didn't do and you weren't being who you are?'". He hugged me and said he had a lot of thinking to do. That was the last time I saw him...he died of Covid on April 22nd 2020. He never did what he wanted to do.....
Life is NOW! Live it as you desire

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RE:How long have you been married?

Powerful story and so true. We been married 20 years and we both been nude the whole time. We would not have it any other way.

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RE:How long have you been married?

19 years and nude everyday. :)

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RE:How long have you been married?

Been married some 38 years now. Before we were married we spent many weekends together nude. Then we got married and had 4 kids. Well, we all know what happens to some women having kids. After that she lost all confidence in her body image. So that was that for the nudity. After all the kids grew up and moved out I was able to return to my natural nakedness with the approval of my wife, but, she still will not take part. So now the only time I cover up is if somebody other than the wife is over and when I'm at work.

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RE:How long have you been married?

Hubby and I were together for 25 wonderful years. Both nudists, but I was more driven to the experience. He passed two weeks ago so now I'll be on a journey to rediscover myself.

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