Nude hiking legal in Fort worth?

Scroll down to rule #6

This would be a great place for an organized Nude Hiking Day event. If AANR TNS and the local nudist venues would all work together to help promote nudism in a positive way. Maybe charge a small fee that would be donated to the park.

Someone make it happen!

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RE:Nude hiking legal in Fort worth?

The problem is the standard wording that, while it's not prohibited by law, it can become indecent exposure or disorderly conduct "if someone is offended or alarmed." And, unfortunately, so many automatically associate any and all nudity with sex/lewd behavior that odds are high that someone would be "offended or alarmed." Not saying it's right...just that it's a thing.

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RE:Nude hiking legal in Fort worth?

I am tempted to try it World Naked Hike day.

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