Manchester Swim - Re-opening?

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know if the swimming sessions are back on now the restrictions are easing in England? Would love to come and join in.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Manchester Swim - Re-opening?

Ive seen an event in the BN calendar for 01 July so guess its starting back up then?

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Manchester Swim - Re-opening?

Thanks Phil!

Will keep my fingers crossed. Have been looking forward to giving it ago for so long now.

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  • 4 years ago
RE:Manchester Swim - Re-opening?

The swim will resume as normal from Thursday, 12th August 2021. The new swim time is now 7pm until 8.30pm, but still for only 5 pounds.

However, you must:

Bring proof of double vaccinations - a vaccination card or NHS app will be required.
Pay contactless, all major credit / debit cards are accepted plus Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Wear a mask when gathering in the foyer area and remain masked until naked ready to swim then unmask and enjoy the swim.
Re-mask after the swim once showered. Please give space and respect individual preference.
Stay at home if you have any symptoms of covid19 and do not attend.

Please email swiminfo@manchestermalenakedswim if you wish to attend so that we can get an idea of numbers attending.

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  • 4 years ago