WNBR New Orleans 2021 Any info?
I am looking to participate in the NOLA WNBR, but do not see anything on the WNBR main page. Is it scheduled I know they have a facebook page, but I refuse to join facebook. I rode in the ride in 2019. It is usually in early June, the same date as many of the other rides. That would make it June 12 of this year. I have a friend or 2 that may be going with me and would be driving there (nude of course) Need to start making plans. Any official info would be appreciated.
Thanks for the info! Seeing the poster is good enough for me. I am going to have to squeeze this into a short time window since I have to work Friday and Monday. I will go to work get home grab a few hours sleep and leave here about 2-3AM for the 12 hour drive. I will book a room now that I am sure that it is happening. I should arrive in NOLA by 3pm Saturday giving me just enough time to check in to my room and bike over to the park. Last time I stayed towards the middle of the park to avoid the photographers lining the fence. Now I am at the point that I love being photographed nude and will walk the perimeter of the fence so everyone that wants to can take a pic of me nude can