Before and After

How long before bed time do you get "changed" into your (lack of) sleepwear?
How long do you wait in the morning before getting dressed?

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RE:Before and After

well since i pretty much live nude here at home, there is no "changing" into or out of anything. I strip when I get home, and getting dressed is often the very last thing I do before I depart. Some days , if i don't leave home the outfit for the day is my birthday suit.

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RE:Before and After

Same with me I am naked as much as I can when I can when I am in for the night when I come home and I don't have to go out again for awhile I get my clothes off as quick as I can during the day I am naked unless I can't be if I am going out getting dressed is the last thing I do if someone is coming to visit me and I have to wear clothes I wait until it's getting close to the time that they will be at my place to get dressed then when they are gone I get my clothes off again as soon as I can

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RE:Before and After

If I'm home, I'm naked. So if I don't need to go out, I don't get dressed with I get out of bed. And because I strip down as soon as I get home, I don't need to change clothes to go to bed!

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RE:Before and After

I'm nude very quickly after arriving home and remain that way until just before leaving.

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RE:Before and After

How long before bed time do you get "changed" into your (lack of) sleepwear?How long do you wait in the morning before getting dressed?

Im pretty much nude 24/7. I do my best to do grocery shopping, post office for my mail, errands, doctors appointments, and pharmacy runs every other Wednesday. That way I only dress for a few hours every other week. Other than that, I only dress to do yard work in the front yard or take my trash to the curb and I have been known to take the trash out nude, at midnight, when all the neighbors are sleeping.

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RE:Before and After

How long before bed time do you get "changed" into your (lack of) sleepwear?How long do you wait in the morning before getting dressed?Im pretty much nude 24/7. I do my best to do grocery shopping, post office for my mail, errands, doctors appointments, and pharmacy runs every other Wednesday. That way I only dress for a few hours every other week. Other than that, I only dress to do yard work in the front yard or take my trash to the curb and I have been known to take the trash out nude, at midnight, when all the neighbors are sleeping.

Sounds like the only clothing you would have to wash would be one shirt and 2 or 3 shorts every 2 weeks. Do you just combine it with sheets and towels?

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RE:Before and After

Usually nude 24/7. Rarely wear clothes, thankfully.

Do you work from home?
About how many hours in a typical month do you wear anything?

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RE:Before and After

It depends what I do the day, how the weather it and what I feel like.

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