RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

I'm not certain exactly, never really asked parents about it, but I think I was about 3 or 4. I have a vague memory of going to hospital, though none of recovery so perhaps it's wasn't too bad at a young age.

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

I have a much more vivid memory of a surgery for the adenoids. Not so pleasant.

Like you on the other hand, my circumcision is only a vague memory - being in hospital, some bandages. I think the choice was related to a tight foreskin but also a preference from my father (who is cut too). As you never asked, I guess you never heard why you were circumcised.

I am glad I was and proudly let my helmet out whenever I can - I did today at home but it was rather cold! I do like to hangout naked whenever I can - I just look forward to warmer days
@Smash, would you dare posting a picture (doesn't have to be with face on - I appreciate the need or preference for discretion) - I am just curious to see another local roundhead - or I'll have to watch replays of naked attraction! lol

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

I was circumcised at the age of 2, and have no memory of it at all. I think it is best done in infancy - my father was done in later life and found the recovery painful.
Agree and I read / heard the recovery is quicker too

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

I haven't shared pictures, my understanding of the rules here are body and face shots only?

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

I understand a partial face is acceptable for a naked body pic - well at least that's what I have on my profile.
I long for warmer days and enjoying more naturist activities. In the meantime it's really nice to hear from other naturists and share experiences (doesn't mean I'll stop posting on here this summer! ;-)

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

The next chat on Team Helmet is Sunday 13 June at 9pm BST for live chat on all things circumcision.

Put a reminder :-)

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

Websites and forums are a great place to talk about what is often considered a taboo subject. It' good to share how we feel, and what our experiences are since we are all different.

Why did you feel that circumcision gave you the confidence to be naked?

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

Perhaps taboo is the wrong word, it's just not something that comes up in conversation very often. When it has, I've said yes I am, I was cut as a boy so it's all I've known. Not much else to say really.

I remember Miriam Margolyes being on Graham Norton Show, she's always a funny guest and makes people squirm. She said "men are quite dirty, and they don't clean around the rim" and asked everyone if they were circumcised. Daniel Radcliffe is, Alan Cumming is not, and he's spoken about it while being in America.

It's never stopped me being naked in gym locker rooms, using open showers and going to naturist events.

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

yes fair point, would you ask another circumcised naturist about it? I d like to with the right person, otherwise too shy. I was asked once about it in the US in a naturist resort - guess they were surprised to see someone from the UK and circumcised. I didn't mind them asking or noticing

you re right about the circ itself - basically why and when. The anecdote about Miriam is spot on it's also about joking about it, good her co-guest revealed their cut status lol
a bit of banter would be fun. Experiences, how we feel, different looks etc

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RE:Team Helmet website / for UK members

Even among other naturists, it's not a question I've been asked, nor have I asked someone. I do remember briefly talking to some college mates when I was regularly at the gym etc. That was only a handful of people asking when I was circumcised, and another who was circumcised saying it was good to see another and again the stock answers of long time ago, no we're not religious.

I've been to a club and hot springs in US, it was never remarked on there, they were more interesting in knowing how I coping with driving on the wrong side of the road.

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