Working from home naked?
How many of you work from home naked? Now the weather gets better in the UK, it's so much nicer to hang out naked all day - Zoom / Team / webex calls (with video on) are the only issue.
I always need to be mindful to only have the video on if I had the chance to get somethng back on
I generally just wear a T-shirt. I dont have to worry about calls as we never use video on our calls so thats not an issue; but I have a 4 month old puppy who needs outside every hour or two and its too much effort to get dressed and undressed every time so I keep a T-shirt on and throw jogging bottoms on to take him out to the garden
Pretty much work naked all day. Rarely do we use video but I do make sure I do dress when that happens. On occasions when I do go into the office, Im able to work naked as Im in a secured area that only the maintenance guy has access to go in and out. Its not often he comes in that area.
Not a worry for me, because if I am working at home, it involves e-mails only, and the odd phone call - no zooming/skyping/etc. But I do sometimes have to remind myself that whoever I am speaking to on the phone has no idea what I am (not) wearing - and for all I know, they may be naked also!
I do keep a pair of shorts by the front door in case of unexpected callers/delivery people, etc.