Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

Looking for male and female teachers and expert trainers that are nudists

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

I am a life coach and alternate happily between being clothed with most clients, and unclothed with other naturists - there is something wonderfully freeing about having a deep life coaching session where our bodies are naked. Knowing we have a shared unspoken bond of naturism, and the client does not need to hide anything they don't want to.

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

Very good, you can be dressed, when participants are also dressed and you can be full nude when all others like to be naked

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

I used to be a cpr instructor, a few time I went to and taught cpr in the nude. At a clothing optional campground. I love those classes

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

I used to be a cpr instructor, a few time I went to and taught cpr in the nude. At a clothing optional campground. I love those classes

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

So true, while i was working as handyman/remodeler i had a great time working nude when the customer was home and a special bond when they also were nude.
I would love to find a local nude hair styless, a nude bar, a nude pool hall would also be great.

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

I am a life coach and alternate happily between being clothed with most clients, and unclothed with other naturists - there is something wonderfully freeing about having a deep life coaching session where our bodies are naked. Knowing we have a shared unspoken bond of naturism, and the client does not need to hide anything they don't want to.

Being nude while coaching session it the best Coaching a client can have. The Coaching is authentic and open, honest and I think also more succesful then. Wish I could have nudist life coaching.

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RE:Male and female nude teachers and expert trainers

I'm a handyman for a very long but i never had a chance to work naked to be honest the only time i stay naked is when im home but i would love to meet other nudist

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