Let's Meetup!
Fro those of you in and around Los Angeles, the area's largest non-landed club, the Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA) hosts 4 different dinner Meetups every month, in Van Nuys, Pasadena, Torrance, and Ventura. Since these dinners take place in public restaurants they are clothed affairs, but they give you an opportunity to meet and network with other local like-minded people face to face, share experiences, and learn more about the monthly C/O parties and activities the SCNA sponsors. Van Nuys will be on 4/12, Pasadena on 4/18, Torrance on 4/27, and the next one in Ventura will be on 5/13. If you're really serious about meeting other local naturists in person, and ready to get out from behind your keyboard, join us for an interesting evening! For details, contact us, or visit www.socalnaturist.org