1Th 5:13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.
Not only are we to win the lost, but we are to be at peace with one of the main reasons the unsaved don't desire to be saved is that they watch Christians fighting amongst themselves and say...why would I want that?
Unfortunately many Christians are intolerant, just like the population at large. As a group, we have been type cast, sometime fairly & sometimes unfairly, as overly rigid, judgemental and uncaring. As a church, we've failed to act with the heart of Christ toward ALL those around us, instead becoming overly focused on serving our own and staying insulated within our churches and Christian friends.
IMHO, it is a failure to understand fully the redeeming nature of Jesus Christ - God accepted us in our worst state, Jesus spent time amongst some of the 'worst' of His time because those are the ones that needed Him. Yet He saved his intolerance for those who professed to be men of faith, who had no understanding of what that really meant.