Members Removed

In going through the group, I have found several members, who after being approved changed their profiles. They have deleted all their photos, changed their profile to "for friends only" or changed their profile to private. They all have been removed from the group. As well, I also checked to see if they were in any other of our groups and if they were they were also removed from those groups as well. The requirements to join these groups is to keep the groups for actual true nudists and not for some that cannot be trusted and change their profiles once approved. I have also removed members who have not logged into the group for a very long time, such as a year or more. This was done to keep the group as active as possible. If those members return, I will simply approve them once more. Have a great day. Stay safe, stay healthy and of course, stay NUDE!
group moderator

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RE:Members Removed

Is it really necessary to be so strict? I post pics of activity as the opportunity presents itself. Im not a mad selfie taker. I show my face and simple nudity out and about where legitimate to be so and at home. I dont hide that Im a nudist/naturist from anyone in my life, they simply have to be aware that I am and if visiting and wish me clothed then I need warning to pop on a pair of shorts.

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RE:Members Removed

The members who have been removed changed their profile after they were approved to the group. Therefore they no longer meet the requirements of the group. Would it be fair to ignore them to the rest of the group members who still meet the requirements of the group? If they do not want to follow the group requirements, there are plenty of groups on this site that don't really care who is in their group. They can join them instead.

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