Water softener tech came by

Had a visit from Rainsoft tech. He seemed amused to see me in my natural state, but had no problems with it. I had a wildlife camera set up to catch one of our wolf-hybrids getting out of the fence. It captured our approach to the well. Photo is in this group's media section.

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RE:Water softener tech came by

Thank you for sharing your nude/textile experience and photo! I, and all group members really appreciate your contribution. Each contribution serves as encouragement to all nudist to be honest and open to textiles about your lifestyle. Your experience validates nude/textile interactions can and do happen successfully.

Thank you for remaining nude during textile visits!!

Group Moderator

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RE:Water softener tech came by

Anyone entering our property passes a very obvious sign on the driveway saying clothing is optional - you may see nudity, with our phone numbers at the bottom, so anyone can call and ask us to be dressed if necessary. So far, only one person has done that in over 10 years.

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