Love to Model Again

This is something I did in college and grad school for local college art classes simply for a little pocket money but now decades later as a dedicated nudist (when I can) I am curious to try online to see myself sketched or drawn by hand. Serious responders, please. Please expect that we might start with using a non-revealing image of me posed before I would agree to send a nude pic or pose on cam in a pose we might jointly select. Here is a larger file of my profile pic and another. Please respond to the group rather than my profile and likewise no friend requests until we get to know each other.

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RE:Love to Model Again

As you may have seen in the media section, there are some excellent submissions. Hopefully you can hook up with one of those artists.

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RE:Love to Model Again

From your picture, you should have no problems. What a great form you have. I hope you get your chance soon and can reply back with how it went.

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RE:Love to Model Again

You may want to try in person modeling again. Look into local meetup groups who do life drawing or figure study. Another place to look is on Craig's list in community under artists.

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