Old Scouting Friend Visited

An old Scouting friend that I had not seen in 12 years wanted to visit, and we arranged for him to stop by and meet my wife and son. 12 years ago, we met briefly and exchanged letters for a year or so after that. In those letters, he learned that I had been a practicing nudist since graduating college (we were in Scouts in the 1970s).

Our driveway has the sign informing anyone that we are clothing optional and that visitors may see nudity. So I met my friend naked at the door, and remained so during dinner and throughout the evening. We talked so late, that he ended up staying on our hide-a-bed sofa rather than drive home 2+ hours after 2 AM. In the morning we all went out for brunch, so I unfortunately had to put on clothes for that.

At no time did he seem awkward or uncomfortable during his visit.

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RE:Old Scouting Friend Visited

Perfect example of a textile/nudist event! There is absolutely no reason why nudist can't, and shouldn't remain nude around non-nudist/textiles. I really appreciate you sharing this experience with us. Your successful experience will provide all nudist the encouragement to remain nude and provide a positive nudism experience for all guests, nudist or textile, while visiting or entertaining!

Stay nude!
Group Moderator

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RE:Old Scouting Friend Visited

Great job being non apologetic about your nudist lifestyle choice.

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RE:Old Scouting Friend Visited

Experiencing a similar situation. A few years ago got back in touch with a good friend from junior and senior high schools, where the boys swim classes were nude. In exchanging emails he asked about my activities. I mentioned skinny-dipping and so far he has not responded. Too bad, as we are near each other in the summers and he or he and his wife could join me or me and my wife at the secluded beach. On a side note, when visiting their house it is so secluded in the woods they have no window shades. Perfect for being nude outside and on their deck!

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RE:Old Scouting Friend Visited

With a house description like that, sounds like your friend and his partner may already be nudists at their place, but keep it to themselves. Each to their own.

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