Week of August 23, 2021
I am going to try to get to Island Spa this week. Does anyone want to join me? Let me know what times would be good for you.
- 4 years ago
I am going to try to get to Island Spa this week. Does anyone want to join me? Let me know what times would be good for you.
When you settle on a date and time, please post it here. I'll have company all next week so it might be tough getting away but if I can swing it, I'd love to join you.
- 4 years ago
I plan on going to Island Spa tomorrow (Thursday 8/26/21) in the early afternoon. If anyone wants to join me, message me. You don't have to let me know and just show up but it would be nice to know to look for you (or to let you know in the rare case my plans change).
- 4 years ago
Wish I could join you but unfortunately, I'll be busy with company today. Enjoy!
- 4 years ago
I was at Island Spa yesterday. It was a nice visit. They reinstated the mask requirement due to the Delta variant but everything else was the same. Only one or two people in the wet area wore masks. There was a good group of people there but not many conversations. Next time I hope to go with a friend so I will have someone to talk to. Maybe next week....
- 4 years ago
depending on what day, i might be able to join you :)
- 4 years ago