Forth Naturist Club haddington

Hello all, hope are enjoying the spells of sunshine we have been getting here in edinburgh. i have just been in contact with a guy from the forth naturist club who holds swims at a place in haddington. They looking for new people to attend swims and possisbly come a member. they old other events apart from the swims. I'm planning on going to next swim on the 1st of may and it woulld be great to see some of ye there. Please check out the forth naturist club's website and get in touch with them before going to a swim. also look up the edinburgh naturist swimming club, i believe they hold swims somewhere in the stockbridge area. I hope to meetup with folk over the summer.

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RE: Forth Naturist Club haddington

I'm a member of the single outdoor club and as far as i know that means i can go to swims. i was at the swim at western baths. it's a very place, met some nice people there.

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RE: Forth Naturist Club haddington

it's definetly worth visiting the scottish outdoor club. the club is a nice place with good views of the loch and a sauna

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