Running into TN members (or vice-versa) at nudist venues

So I just got back from vacation (nude beaches on the French Riviera aren't what they used to be - but that's a different topic) and saw that a few people here are trying to meet up at "my" resort; on the day I will be there with the wifey. I started responding to the thread; and froze.

I then imagined a scenario where someone I've never met or talked to walked right up to my wife and I and exclaimed: "Nudony?! Fancy meeting you here! I'm "nkdbidude" from Truenudism! Nice to meet you and Liz; I've really enjoyed reading about Liz getting so comfortable being naked!"

The situation - which is probably an exaggeration of what would actually happen - would certainly make me laugh. The wife: probably not so much. She knows I'm active on nudist sites; but her first thought would probably be: "why is my husband informing the whole world about our nudist life and whereabouts, and how much is he sharing about me?!" And I would get an earful. Not only that but such an approach would put her off completely. It's one thing to meet someone at the resort and be "properly" introduced. It's another to have someone walk right up to you like they "know you" (especially for my wife while she's completely naked).

So I'm wondering have others have dealt with this. It's nice to meet other nudists from TN; but a spouse or S/O might not feel the same way. There are 2 or 3 people here (like Andy and RockD) whom I've known long enough that I would actually have no problem telling my wife we'd meet them at the resort. But a "nkdbidude" whom I've never even heard about? It would really depend on how he approaches us...


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RE:Running into TN members (or vice-versa) at nudist venues

So I just got back from vacation (nude beaches on the French Riviera aren't what they used to be - but that's a different topic) and saw that a few people here are trying to meet up at "my" resort; on the day I will be there with the wifey. I started responding to the thread; and froze.I then imagined a scenario where someone I've never met or talked to walked right up to my wife and I and exclaimed: "Nudony?! Fancy meeting you here! I'm "nkdbidude" from Truenudism! Nice to meet you and Liz; I've really enjoyed reading about Liz getting so comfortable being naked!"The situation - which is probably an exaggeration of what would actually happen - would certainly make me laugh. The wife: probably not so much. She knows I'm active on nudist sites; but her first thought would probably be: "why is my husband informing the whole world about our nudist life and whereabouts, and how much is he sharing about me?!" And I would get an earful. Not only that but such an approach would put her off completely. It's one thing to meet someone at the resort and be "properly" introduced. It's another to have someone walk right up to you like they "know you" (especially for my wife while she's completely naked).So I'm wondering have others have dealt with this. It's nice to meet other nudists from TN; but a spouse or S/O might not feel the same way. There are 2 or 3 people here (like Andy and RockD) whom I've known long enough that I would actually have no problem telling my wife we'd meet them at the resort. But a "nkdbidude" whom I've never even heard about? It would really depend on how he approaches us...Thoughts?

Hit the nail on the head with me with this whole post!

Though I've not met anyone from TN, I did a couple of guys from NudistClubhouse and we met a couple from One guy from Nudistclubhouse was fine and was great to meet up with but the other guy kept asking the same questions about Di. As soon as they became somewhat out of bounds, the meet ups stopped. The couple from Clothesfree and I did a lot of corresponding, both the man and woman.

We were going to visit a favorite place up on the central coast and they lived inland. We decided to meet for lunch at this beach town. The happy go lucky couple I'd come to know on the site, felt it was now time to air their dirty laundry and Di had never met them or corresponded with them. We were able to cut the meet up shorter than planned with Di faking an illness after lunch.

As you alluded to with your wife, Di was not too happy with me sharing some of her nude life info with people she'd never met or communicated in any way, before the meet up. I feel, sometimes, I share too much about us but almost feel compelled to prove we are genuine, real, honest to goodness lifetime nudists. Not sure why I do but sometimes I can get carried away with sharing info of our life.

I'm a friendly guy and don't mind sharing info about myself, in hopes that those I'm speaking to will return that to me and we can find a good connection and solid friendship. I forget how naive I can be about the internet, at times, and how many fake and strange people are on it. Di, on the other hand, is a very private person and would not appreciate that I share as much as I do, at times, and I really should throttle back on that.

Even for as long as we've known each other, I would never act as if I knew as much as I do about your wife. In truth, I don't know that much and those that think they do and approach you in that manner would send up all kinds of yellow and red flags. Di prefers to meet new friends at a nude venue. I've asked her if she wants to meet up with someone one from these sites and surprisingly she says, "at a nude place, okay. At a restaurant or coffee shop... not really." I think, for her, if she's going to profess being and living as a nudist to someone, she wants it on equal ground and that they are naked and we are in that environment. She's always said, "you can be whomever you want on the internet, but it's not who you really are." You and I have both run across that so many times on these sites we've been on.

So, like you, I'm quite selective on who I will agree to meet from TN; you, Rockdad and a few other friends that I've corresponded with for a long time and about many, many other things other than being nudists.

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RE:Running into TN members (or vice-versa) at nudist venues

I had this happen one day when my wife and I visited our closest resort. We hadn't been there long and a man came over, excused himself, and then asked if I was "Oldfrog". I told him I was indeed and he proceeded to introduce himself by his first name and then added his TN user name. I introduced my wife by her first name and then added my own. We had a very pleasant visit. He behaved exactly as I would have expected a friend to behave and he never said or did anything that made Judy at all uncomfortable.

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