Back yard as summer winds down
Yesterday was nude at the steamroom, last night nude while sleeping, this morning in the house with a few chores, then two tranquil hours on the backyard deck. These days are dwindling down to a precious few here in New England.
- 3 years ago
Dillon's, Chelsea MA. A classic!
- 3 years ago
This week the weather shifted to fall for us. Cool nights and warm days. Weve had several days of cloudy and wet weather so it is nice to be out back nude with pleasant temps. Today I had to mow grass as our growing season can be through October. Felt nice mowing nude and blowing over the patio to remove the leaves. I also got to work with my horses to continue training them. Very nice day.
I lived in New England many years ago. I remember the early snow and definitely colder weather. I enjoyed it but Alabama has a lot of benefits for living nude. Not too many days that I cant be nude out back.
- 3 years ago