My tip of the day: The Last Kingdom

The year is 866, and the Great Heathen Army's arrival in Britain is about to redefine the relationship between Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Following establishment of Danish rule in Jrvk and East Anglia, the show largely focuses on the resistance of the Kingdom of Wessex to ongoing Viking incursions to Southern England. The story covers about 4045 years by the end of season 4. Season 1 covers the years 866878, season 2 from 878 to 886, season 3 from 893 to 900, and season 4 takes place about 901 to 912.[citation needed]

The fictional protagonist is Uhtred of Bebbanburg. An earl of that name lived and ruled Bebbanburg (Bamburgh Castle) and Northumbria during the reign of thelred II, though about a century after the setting of The Last Kingdom. When thelred had the ealdorman of Southern Northumbria, lfhelm of York, murdered in 1006, Uhtred the Bold was made earl of a united Northumbria (and likely ealdorman of York), his seat at Bebbanburg. He spent much of his time defending the northern border from the Scots. He fought loyally beside the Anglo-Saxons against the Danes and with Edmund Ironside. In 1016 after Cnut came to power, Cnut had Earl Uhtred killed, along with 40 other Saxon nobles, probably on Christmas Day.[2] In Bernard Cornwell's series he adds a 'historical note' at the end, in which, especially in the first book, he mentions that Uhtred the Bold was his ancestor. He took the liberty of installing Uhtred earlier in history.[3]

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