Driving nude - know its been up here before, but
I had a great day today - put in my single longest nude drive. Not talking golf here, but in my car.
Was a beautifully warm Spring day around 28c and found myself on the motorway nude...and just keep going to home, where I hoped out and walked into my home also nude!
I reckon I did about 25kms. A bit of training for when our State borders re-open and I take a road trip. I am hoping I can put in a few hundred kilometres nude!
So what's your personal best distance
- 3 years ago
I have driven nude between my house and another city which was about 80 Km. I have done that several times and at different times during the day.
- 3 years ago
About the same diatance. (Edit: 40 km per Google maps.) Yet to have a day warm enough to do the same in Dannistan this season and of course the length is enough to get in trouble with the authorities right now, let alone the state of undress!
- 3 years ago
3.5 hours home from a resort yesterday. Late afternoon so the sun was still out.
- 3 years ago
3.5 hours home from a resort yesterday. Late afternoon so the sun was still out.
Were you able to be nude the entire time you were at the resort?
How much clothing did you bring?
- 3 years ago
Shorts, a t-shirt and some hiking shoes. I got naked after I checked in to the resort office till I got home. We had company at the house when I arrived.
- 3 years ago
Did you get dressed to greet company?
- 3 years ago
60 miles at night - from a resort back home
Usually the drive home as well
- 3 years ago
Slipped on my shorts and t-shirt in the truck. before I got out.
- 3 years ago
I've driven across the state of Kentucky naked. Love it! Always makes my cock a bit tumescent. LOL
- 3 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it, I do too. I've driven nude 300 miles (a little short of the distance I can go without refueling) many times. Two lane highways and interstates. No city streets. It's very comfortable, hoping to do it again soon.
- 3 years ago