RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

It was a cool comfortable 77out at 3am so I went for a 20 minute bike ride around the neighborhood

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

It was a cool comfortable 77out at 3am so I went for a 20 minute bike ride around the neighborhood

Getting ready for Houston?

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

It was a cool comfortable 77out at 3am so I went for a 20 minute bike ride around the neighborhoodGetting ready for Houston?
Yeah, training LOL

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

A few minutes ago. Company is coming soon si time to get dressed.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

A few minutes ago. Company is coming soon si time to get dressed.

Right now.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

A couple hours ago I went to fill the tank on the car. I almost skipped it because there was a tanker truck there and I dont like to get gas right after the tanks at the gas station are filled. After a minute or so, I could see that he was just getting started. I figured that I could fill my tank before he started filling the underground tanks at the gas station so i went ahead and filled up. I didn't think he saw me since he was working on the other side of the truck. As I was finishing up and waiting for the receipt, he walked over and said to me "I don't know what it is, but you are the third person this summer that I have seen pumping gas nude". I said I am sorry if I offended you, and he replied that he thought it was cool and maybe it is a Florida thing since the nights are so warm. He then went back to his truck and I left.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

About an hour ago, took the recycle bin to the street

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

About an hour ago, took the recycle bin to the street

Seems like you are nude as often as you can get away with it outdoors.
Are you essentially always nude at home?

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Yesterday, Went to Gunnison, Great Day.

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RE:When was the last time you were naked Outdoors?

Right now.

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