My take on fake profiles

I've seen several threads on here about the fake profiles. Here's my take on it. Yes it's easy to make a profile here, all you need is an email.
I think 90% of the fake profiles could be eliminated if the admin would implement a certification process for all profiles as well as an program that if you haven't accessed your profile in a certain period of time it's automatically deleted.
I get that there are some couples where only one wants to be on here. That's fine, you should come here with a singles profiles and mention that you're in a relationship, just like many have done. When I see a "couples" profile and it's all about the man, I question the validity of the person. Likewise when I see a profile with no pictures, no groups, and only minimal friends, I tend to pass on them.
Why would your spouse be opposed to you having an profile here unless you were hiding your nudism or using nudism for ulterior motives?
If your spouse/partner is actually a nudist why would you have to hide your interest in this site?

Here's the question no one is asking.....Why does TN allow the fake profiles? Why did they remove many of the "certified only" sections of this site?
How much money are they making by allowing certain sites to spam people here?
Emails are worth about $1 each time it's sold. More emails in the system more money in the bank?
I for one would pay for a site like this if there were fewer/zero spammers and fakes. I'm sure many others would too. However I am not willing to pay and still have to put up with the fakes and spam.

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RE:My take on fake profiles

I am with you on many of the points you have brought up in your post. I think that should also take things a bit further. Limit posing to only a couple of "common area" (new user trial area's) and prevent posing in the rest of the groups and blogs, until they become certified members. If folks have to pay to post across the site, that should knock out a lot of the "fakes" and "unwanted solicitation".

The website administrators can also take other measures like looking at profile activity that appears suspicious. Say new a few hours and have sent out 25-50 friend requests in a very short window. There are tell tale signs on what people are up to. They don't have to search profiles in as much as set activity alerts that based on specific criteria they trigger moderator or web administrator review. I know is sounds like a band aide, but just the mere act of slowing the fakes and solicitations down will change behaviors. Also send a message to the folks with other intentions that its game over.

When I started a couple years ago, there was not as much of the solicitation as there is now. If you are not seeing it in Message requests, they are posting solicitations in the blogs and groups. I don't thing that should be allowed personally... When you pay money for certification or membership, things should be advertising free included, just me.

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RE:My take on fake profiles

Boy am I in agreement.
I have had so many out of the usual friend requests lately that I now require 1) a full frontal nude pic or two, 2)details about why and how you became a nudist and specific information about you that is relevant for this TN site!

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RE:My take on fake profiles

I can agree with some of the complaints & suggestions from users. Bots are annoying, the site should do more, etc. But some of the commentary around this subject assumes there is a PERSON at the keyboard of these fake profiles. Often there is not. A social media website like this one cannot tell the difference between Craig creating a profile as Janet and server 4712 creating a profile as Janet. Many fake profiles are bots that will eventually direct "me" to a different website where that lucrative email address and user data can be stored/sold/advertised to. There's no person on the other end, but TN can't tell. The trial membership idea might work but not as a corralled user with promises of access to pics/groups/chat or whatever as most consumers loathe spending money before testing the whole product. Perhaps a trial membership while certification occurs... slowly? The idea of monitoring friend requests is a good one. A new user won't have a flurry of activity nor remain on the site for hours without full access to chat - giving away the bot. As with all consumer products, though, it is incumbent on the user to monitor their own activity. Fake accounts & spam bots are annoying, but so are poorly stitched shirts at Target or failing to read dimensions when ordering cake pans online. Perhaps TN can create an FAQ post about fake profile spotting using their backend data as a guide. Users can ignore profiles that do this or that or have these characteristics the all real users could hashtag their profile or earn a moderator's badge or something to authenticate real people.

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RE:My take on fake profiles

only minimal friends, I tend to pass on them.

If that is going to be a an issue then I don't belong here :-0 Friending people here has been a huge waste of time!!! Communicate a few times then silence, I have 2 left and they should have been deleted long ago with the rest. Maybe it's just me but I don't see the benefit of being a friend collector and not have any conversations with them. That's my 1 bone to pick with the original post ;-)

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RE:My take on fake profiles

I did have quiet a lot of unwanted friendrequests from uncertified users or bots in the beginning, but by setting the privacy settings more conservative, that changed a lot.

Regarding having the right amount of friends on TN to be considered a real human: I believe less is more because how can a real human have meaningful interaction with more than 100+ friends.

I myself will probably soon make some cleaning up of my TN-friends who I have not interacted in quiet some time, so I have more time for the ones who I have interacted more frequently.

my biggest goal is also to meet most of my friends who are in the area this year, because that is the only true way to be really sure that the other user is not a guy or bot somewhere in a scam-center on the other edge of the world.

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