I wear a mid cut type of swimming trunk. They almost look like boxer briefs with great support and they look fine, I have not worn a speedo since High School in gym class where we had a pool and we all had to wear them. I dont look that great in one either. HAHA
Man, I hate those baggy, calf length shorts they call a swimsuit these days!!! How can anyone be so modest? I got some laughs at a water park for wearing a speedo but at least it doesn't pour water for an hour after I get out and keep me cold til it's dry! The smaller, the better for me. I'm not unfashionable usually, but can't get into this trend at all.
I got that too once. I was wearing these really cool short vintage swimming trunks and these two guys with a girl were laughing at me, really immature and all. I tend to buy my swimming trunks online.
Most likely off-topic, but not too far.
I am a short stocky person. While I would not wear a speedo these days (I used to be able to get away with it), I don't understand why men's swimwear and shorts for that matter, need to be down to the knees or lower! If I wanted to wear clam-diggers or capri pants, I shop for those. In swimwear and shorts, I like a moderate inseam. I'm 5'5" and these 5" to 11" inseams are a killer. Granted, if I can swim nude, I'll take that at every opportunity, but when I have to wear cloth to swim, it's better if minimal without looking ridiculous and that includes enough material on the my legs that it almost looks like I'm wearing long pants.
Hate the drag of baggy shorts and that they stay wet for ages, I'll only wear them if I'm at the beach or water park. For lane swimming I used to wear speedos but nowadays wear squarecuts (which are tight like speedos but have legs like boxer-briefs and don't look as odd on me).
I've been lane swimming with both male and female friends (actually I went earlier tonight) and have never received a comment. Now if only I could swim nude at that pool!
I like to get as much sun as possible. When I have to cover my natural look, it's because I'm in a textile environment. Some parents in America frown on speedo's. I wear shorts with a tan throughspeedo under them so I have the option to respect others "comfort".
Neither sounds like a comfortable option! Especially after you have enjoyed swimming without the confines of a soggy suit! I almost want to say I just wouldn't go, but I guess if I had to - baggy pants. I would look awful in a Speedo! LOL! Scares me to even consider. Maybe a baggy suit with the liner cut out. That sounds like a good option for me!