Women Who Scam Men

Why is it that when a woman complains about creepy men, a whole bunch of replies from men are forthcoming which denounce the creeps (and rightly so!) Yet as some members here may know, there are many lonely older men who are searching for conversation and are highly vulnerable to being scammed by women and men posing as women and yet there is never any discussion about this? We have also has stone aged dinosaur men in here who think that they are still in the 1950's with their phony chivalrous attitude towards women and can't seem to realize that most women today are able to stand up and take care of themselves without the phony male crap.

Fact is that there is a reason why this site along with so many others are bombarded with female scammers (real of otherwise) and it is simply that scamming works. Too many men are so lonely and desperate that they will do anything including sending money or free plane tickets (such as the individual who sent a free ticket to a female member here who lives in Canada so that she could travel to Florida for free and sponge off the good nature of the lonely old man).

Enough of the rant.............the scamming and fakes will obviously come here and will go on and on unless drastic steps are taken to clean up this site once and for all so that the few real nudists here can practice real nudism.

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RE:Women Who Scam Men

Why is it that when a woman complains about creepy men, a whole bunch of replies from men are forthcoming which denounce the creeps (and rightly so!) Yet as some members here may know, there are many lonely older men who are searching for conversation and are highly vulnerable to being scammed by women and men posing as women and yet there is never any discussion about this? .

While not as popular as an erection topic, fakes and scams do come up. The "Flag a Fake" thread was up to 51 pages a couple days ago. Other than flagging them, I don't waste too much time on them. But when I find them, it is discouraging to look at their profile and see how many lonely old farts have friended what is obviously a fake / spam account :-( You have to be delusional to think that 20-30 hottie wants anything but money from a wrinkled up fat old fart, maybe they are hoping she has daddy or grandpa issues :-0

I have noticed the more active posting I am on this site, the more they come to me.

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RE:Women Who Scam Men

I have met many younger women on here that are just looking for money. I just delete them.

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RE:Women Who Scam Men

If not controled the scammers, bots and internet whores will ruin this site too. They have been the demise of a lot of decent fun chat rooms etc. There are other detrimental forces at play too.

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RE:Women Who Scam Men

I have noticed a lot of those scammed posts friends request I've got to the point where I don't come on the site that much anymore it's a little disappointing

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RE:Women Who Scam Men

When they ask for money to come to me, I just tell them that I'll reimburse them when they get here. You want money, come see me face to face. Had one call me a scammer when I said this called me a scammer. Most are probably catfish anyway.

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