Safe backyard

Being fully naked at outdoor area is so excited feeling and the best and safe place to do that is the backyard so I am always completely naked at
my backyard .

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard


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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

So am I. No privacy fences but the house sits back off of the road and the back side is wooded. I love being out there nude.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

Sadly, my backyard is wide open, so I'm unable to enjoy it as much as I'd like. Usually I can only go out late at night, or if I create some privacy screening like a well placed blanket.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

I was lucky enough to add wood to the chain link fence. That way the hot tub was private. But then once you know if the next-door neighbor put on a second story addition to their house. We didnt care. We still walked around naked and still do.
Being outside naked is amazing

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

I enjoy being nude on my back patio & yard, although I have to be careful since the neighbors across the wash got rid of the vines on their privacy wall. When theyre home I have to position myself more carefully, closer to my privacy wall. Thank goodness they are part time residents. I did give my next door neighbors landscape guy a thrill while he was pruning their tree. I just smiled & waved and he gave me the thumbs up.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

Cool in some ways about the gardener. Maybe one day the neighbors will see you and wave also.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

I'm lucky I have a very private backyard, all the plantings we made have done a great job. Our summer is only just kicking in as spring was cool and wet so I have enjoyed my yard and not bothered with the beach at all yet. My wife lost her cancer battle early in the year and I've found the yard a comfortable refuge and place to contemplate, maybe it's my I have not ventured to the beach. But the yard has many options for various times of day, morning coffee in the sun, shade for the hot / middle part of the day, open patio for a beer late in the day.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

We have a privacy fence around the pool and deck, so that section is relatively safe.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

Every home we rented or purchased has always had backyard nudism at the top of the priority list. We lived in apartments twice, early in our marriage. After our second year of marriage and finding it difficult to have some outside nude time, we began looking for houses to rent. We found the ones we ended up renting and enjoyed the outside naked time we had.

5 years after we'd been married, we found our first home to purchase and we lucky enough to live in a tract with all single-story homes. This made it very easy to be naked outside. We spent 9 years in that house and bought a larger home with just as much privacy. We only had a bare lot to look at but knew the plans for homes surrounding us and we had single stories on both sides, which was a real plus. This second home would end up being the most private backyard we've had of all our rentals and purchased homes, including this current home.

In all, we've always had safe backyards where we could easily be naked without any issues. Sure, we'd been seen but those neighbors had to really do some extra looking to see us and we didn't care that they did. Never a complaint to us or the cops. It was rare but an "oh my god," was heard from a few neighbors in all those places we lived where we were naked outside.

Our current home has been landscaped for privacy with the second story home next-door. They've both seen us naked, and it's not been an issue. We continue to live our lives normally and the neighbors seem to be accepting and talk with us, on occasion, in a friendly manner. We've always been good neighbors and never cause trouble, have loud parties or complain about what annoying things they may be doing. We are more and more convinced that our surrounding neighbors that may have a slight view of us, figure we could be doing much more annoying things than living naked in our home and private and safe backyard.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Safe backyard

In re-reading these comments / posts, it struck me how important a backyard is to most of us. A place to read, drink coffee/tea (or something heavier), get some sun, do some gardening, nude of course. We can step out at the end of a day or have a coffee at the start of a day, enjoy some sunshine in our own private space, you don't need to go anywhere. It's been an important place for me anyway.

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  • 3 years ago