iSpa Irvine California
I've been going to my local Korean spas for many years. It's the go-to spot for my sons and I to get naked and relax for an evening. iSpa in Irvine has a nice food court and serves a great shaved ice w/fruit dish. So glad there's a culture that isn't hung up on nudity.
- 3 years ago
Love going to I-Spa! It would be cool going with a friend or in a group!
- 3 years ago
iSpa is very nice. I do miss going there to relax. I think the steam room there is one of the hottest. Sometimes it feel unbearable if I sit under one of the sprayer but overtime I think I can handle the heat much better.
- 3 years ago
I was just at ispa two days ago! it's a great spa, love going there. it's very clean and I got a stellar massage as well
- 3 years ago
I'd never been there before covid, but it doesn't seem like there are any covid restrictions still in place. there are signs that say no more than 6 people in the stream room etc, but they're not enforced
- 3 years ago
One of my favorite places, too. Very relaxing. Very clean. Very safe. Have met some nice guys there, too.
- 2 years ago