how to leave a group

I have tried to join privet groups that done seem to be run by anyone now . when I go to the group to try and leave I get. a message saying Your membership is pending approval
Please be patient during this process

I think waiting 2 to 3 years is very patient ,I would like to reduce the number of groups I am in to make it easier to find the once that are active

can any one tell me how I can do this please
thank you

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RE:how to leave a group

I have the same problem. I know no solution. I think there is none.
Your membership is pending approvalPlease be patient during this process

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RE:how to leave a group

One of the things that may help is to read the description of the group, in the heading, and read the rules. Then, go into your profile and see if there's anything that you have in your profile that goes against the group rules.

I screen ALL my perspective members and 90% of the time, I've found that they don't even read the group rules in the description; BLANK, PRIVATE or MINIMALLY filled out profiles will not be allowed. Yet, I still get those that want to join with those simple issues that automatically have me denying admittance.

Try contacting the group moderator/moderators. If they have not been logged onto the site for months and months, contact TT2 and ask if you can take over the group or they can ascertain whether or not that moderator is still willing to mod that group. I've taken over many groups from members that no longer visit or are members of TN, with TT2's help.

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