RE:Why are you shaved?

I just tend to trim it down there. It looks more natural to me to have some but looks tidier to keep it trimmed. Just my opinion

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RE:Why are you shaved?

I shave for a couple of reasons. It makes me feel better also a dark bush on white body draws the attention.

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RE:Why are you shaved?

Trimmed pubic hair is sexiest to me. Too much hair looks sort of sloppy (imho), while no hair at all just looks weird.

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RE:Why are you shaved?

It started a few years ago. I decided I didn't like the hairy look, I couldn't even see all of my parts for the fur covering. I decided to trim a little so I did trim a little. Days later I trimmed more and liked it better. Gradually it progressed like that until I finally got up the nerve to shave smooth. My wife isn't into the life style and isn't aware of the other sides of me so I was nervous about what she might say. Finally, I shaved my penis, scrotum and all the way into my ass crack and rectal area. I loved it! What a fresh and free feeling! Today, I'm in a sling after rotator cuff surgery and it restricts my right (dominant) arm so I cannot use it. I started getting stubbly and didn't like it so I developed a way to shave. I do it every two or three days and sit here now, nude and freshly shaved smooth and loving it. I can't imagine any other way. Walking on Blind Creek beach I see that the great majority of other nudists of both sexes agree with me. It increases the free and natural feeling for me.

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RE:Why are you shaved?

I shave my pubic hairs because without shaving it's too hairy down there.... and shaving is easier than trimming. And without al that hair l feel more naked.

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RE:Why are you shaved?

When I shave off all my pubic hair I feel so much more naked and exposed , it feels so much better when swimming naked too

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RE: Why are you shaved?

I agree , buddy

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RE: Why are you shaved?

I agree , buddy

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RE:Why are you shaved?

I've been all natural with just a trimming every week or two for the past five years or so. Been thinking lately about shaving again.

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RE:Why are you shaved?

I have been shaving and using creams for the last 20 years, because I like the look and feel, I also feel cleaner, and I sweat less.

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