And I can't edit my own post, so I'll just add the bit I forgot to write before posting, and that is, the law was changed in the UK in 2003 to make nudity legal in public and private, threfore the law was wrong back in 1942 when the old ruling was made.
A great post with some equally thoughtful, quality replies. Im gonna pull things back to simple. I think that the ideal would be that people just respect difference. And that calls for balancing personal freedoms with mutual obligations if we are to live as a society.
No. I dont think naturists shouldnt have to cover up because someone else has issues with nudity that they need to own and resolve. Nor do I think that sex needs to be hidden away. (And no, I dont accept that nudists can switch on asexuality when they choose, thats called pretending). But we dont live in an ideal world so my suggestion is to live as close to the ideal of body freedom and sexual freedom as possible within the bounds of common sense and manners.
Many naturists are happiest when theyre naked with likeminded nudie friends and many are also comfortable with sex being enjoyed openly when the social context allows. The self-appointed nudist fascists who deign that youre not a genuine naturist / nudist unless you obey their puritanical notions are thankfully a dying breed. Deo gratias!
In short, live and let live, love and let love and laugh, laugh lots and do it all naked and shame-free! And xxxx the begrudgers!