Louisville, KY Urban BnB with private, outdoor space. Nudist owned and opperated.

My Air/Mister BnB has been quite successful, but I would love to host more male nudists. Great location with a private deck for dining or hanging out nude. Contact me directly if you're going to be in town. If you have other accommodations, just come by to hang out and have a drink! Many of you have opened your homes to me and I look forward to hosting other male nudists. https://www.misterbandb.com/rooms/216243

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RE:Louisville, KY Urban BnB with private, outdoor space. Nudist owned and opperated.

I pass through there often on way to Nashville, and have been looking for a place on the way from Chicago!

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RE:Louisville, KY Urban BnB with private, outdoor space. Nudist owned and opperated.

Hey there. I would love to visit your fine and lovely place soon.

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RE:Louisville, KY Urban BnB with private, outdoor space. Nudist owned and opperated.

Hey there. I would love to visit your fine and lovely place soon.

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