RE:Jerking Off

nothing better than jerking of with others male or female its all good fun

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Im feel quite comfortable nude and in the right environment and moment I feel I at ease enough to masturbate in front of others. Have I ? Yes and yes others joined in.. I guess thats natural.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Fully agree with you Jim.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Thank you for choosing a great topic. Since masturbating is a perfectly normal and healthy practice why not share it with other men in appropriate settings? For me that is when I'm chilling with other guys in a home, or in the steam bath.

This post was edited 3 years ago
  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

There is not a male on earth who has not jerks off. It is a truly wonderful experience to enjoy your own penis and cock and then see the cum squirr out. We guys are not always with women who want to fuck and then accept our hard penises into their vaginas and squirt our manly fluid into them. Men love to play with their penises, get with it. We love to masturbate and cum. It is truly a man thing. It is not dirty, it not offensive, it is normal. Young lads at puberty even start doing it. We all live with our penises and we need to enjoy them. Yes we piss through them thank God, but it has so many other wonderful feelinggs. I love stroking it and twisting it and playing with my testicles in the hope I will cum. I bet every single or most males have done that for centuries. After all the darm thing is large, is crammed into our pants and we love it when it swings free and open. I love being nude because of that alone!
Speaking as a physician, there is absolutely nothing wrong with males playing with their penises, masturbating and cumming. I is only the perverted guys that think it is wrong. Men have been doing that since time inmemoroable! Jeesh!
Hickguy M.D.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

When I was younger I lived near a state park on Lake Michigan. It was 3 miles long and could be entered only at either end. During the week the middle part was deserted. I spent many enjoyable days in the nude. I would lay in the sun, walk the beach and soak in the lake all in the nude. Before heading home I would always masturbate. It was part of my beach ritual. I would occasionally meet other beach nudists. They all seemed to masturbation as well.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

If I ever end up having a long term roommate again the guy has to be totally okay with not just my nudity but also with my comfortability of taking a dump , peeing , getting a massage , jerking off and even having sex while he could see me and or my partner

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

I really enjoy jerking off. I do it as often as I can. I'm also a a bit of a exhibitionist and I don't mind if someone can see me. I've never had the opportunity to do it with a group of people just for the sake of masturbating with other people around. Even though I have seen a few other guy doing it, we'll leave those stories for another post.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Medically speaking there are benefits of masturbation that most men should think about doing regularly if thatHelps lower prostate cancer riskMakes your erections harderRegular sex or masturbation to orgasm works out your pelvic floor muscles to prevent Erectile Dysfunction and incontinence.Keeps the angle of your penile dangle perkyAim for 3-5 times a week for rock solid resultsHelps you last longer during sexBoosts immunity; increases cortisol hormone which helps regulate and maintain your immune systemBoosts your mood by releasing feel-good neurochemicals: an orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast available!Helps you fall asleep due to the release of chemicals into the brain that helps relaxation.Can increase lifespan- study showed men who had less than 2 or more orgasms/week died at half the rate of men who had less than that number.Can improve your skin due to orgasms causing an increased blood flow to the skin; the oxytocin thats released with orgasm can reduce inflammation.Helps you get to know your own body better, e.g., what your penis likes and what it doesnt: different techniques: change positions e/g/ standing up etc., the key is to always change your position; explore your whole body, not just your penis: other erogenous zones: nipples, sacrum, tops of thighs; tease yourself with edging (masturbate until it feels like you are going to have an ejaculation, but stop and then start masturbating again after waiting to base erection level and them masturbate to orgasm.Improves heart health: men who had sex once a month or less were 45% more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than men who had 2 or more weekly orgasms.Doing the above can increase your lifespan, improve your skin, and helps you to know your body better while improving your heart health.Regular masturbation defined as men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 33%Personslly I masturbate daily! What have I got to lose? A lot more to gain!Hickguy M.D.

Thanks Doc! I had suspected most of these benefits but its great to hear a doctor come out and be so open about it. I remember the scandal back when the Surgeon General floated the idea of teaching the benefits and people went nuts!

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

You bet, work that monster and enjoy it to the hilt!!!
Hickguy M.D.

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  • 3 years ago