For males (and this info also applies to women - but this topic is not about 'jilling'), masturbating more often than a few times a week or chronic 'edging' can begin to create a feedback loop due to the overproduction of dopamine, and that can in time screw up the way the neurons in our brains are connected. Also, some like to suggest that daily masturbation is healthy in the avoidance of prostate cancer. Any specialist in the field of prostate science should know that this level of self-gratification has deeper ramifications than the perceived benefits, besides the fact that prostate cancer for men under sixty is rare. More recent studies on how the human brain forms, grows and functions are teaching the scientific community that we must be wary of such over-indulgent behavior to avoid long term damage. Luckily, there are ways to recover from such damage. If you PM me I would be happy to type about that in private.
While there are healthy amounts of masturbation, there are definite limits to the benefits one can receive from it, and a tendency toward heavier masturbation and its attached overdose of dopamine and other brain chemistry and neural changes it can bring is not good. The idea of "if it feels good, do it", in some people, this unabridged self pleasure will often cause alterations in the brain that can birth detrimental physical and mental effects such as erectile dysfunction and a marked loss of social skills and cognition. The constant use of one's hand instead of interacting with others can and often does bring more self-absorption, drawing one inward and away from the world. I suggest put down the phone and talk to that nudist to your left. They have hands, too, and probably some other very interactive body their mind!
Oh hell, yes, I do it all the time, at least as much as I can do all the time.
And yes, I have done it in front of my wife. She enjoyed it a lot and has even helped me out with stroking. I even on my nude hiking.trips. I have masturbated out there. Even have been caught a few times. But they are the ones I walked up on me and I didnt stop. But it was more of a stroking than masturbating.