Best temperature for home nudism?

I was just curious what is a comfortable temperature for people being nude at home? I prefer it to be around 74.

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RE:Best temperature for home nudism?

My ideal temperature is in that range also.

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RE:Best temperature for home nudism?

Temperature anywhere from 55 to 85 is ok with me.

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RE:Best temperature for home nudism?

Wow! 55 is way too cold for me. You must be talking about outside temperature while you are inside and have the heat on. I need it to be at least 70 and preferably 72 or warmer to be comfortably nude.

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RE:Best temperature for home nudism?

Our house is entirely unheated/uncooled and open to the outside; we're at a cool elevation in Hawaii. I'll tend to move from place to place like a lizard - sunny spot for reading in the morning and sunny spot for morning garden work. I'll often be up and naked, cooking and doing morning chores, if it's high 60s F, but then put on clothes to sit down to breakfast because, sitting still, that temp feels cold, and our dining area can be a bit breezy. To sit still in the shade, yea, 74's good.

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RE:Best temperature for home nudism?

My ideal year-round nude temperature is 75F (23.9C). At that temperature, I still need a light cover to sleep, but that's it.

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