
Ancient Roman greeting: Cupping.As for shaking my cock by way of greeting, I would love it!It's actually mentioned once in the Bible when Abraham sent his servant off to acquire a wife for his son.

To cup, two men stand face to face -- each slightly to the other's right.
Place left arms over and around the shoulder/neck of the other man and use your arm to pull the other man close -- hugging. With your right hand, cup the other man's cock and balls.

We have an expression, "I have your back." Cupping says, "You're safe with me; I have your balls."

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Just an outsider looking in on this as Ive never been to a clothing optional anything. I can see where most men would be uncomfortable complimenting another guys genitalia. Our society has engrained in the male brain that if you look at or think about or even talk about it, period, then you have some psychological issues. Its a double standard for men as women can freely discuss the guy they are withs cock and balls in their lady groups but we as men cant. They talk about topics like their cycles, body parts and other things but men cant even broach those subjects when together.
Live and let live! If you want to compliment mine, go ahead, and thank you. If you wanna talk about your cock and balls and feel comfortable doing so with me, lets talk. If I feel comfortable with you and I want to, Ill compliment yours. Weve got to get out of the close minded mentality we live in and yet retain our civility amongst each other. Freedom not used is eventually taken away forever.

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Its never bothered me if another guy compliments my man parts, as long as theyre not creepy about.

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Ancient Roman greeting: Cupping.As for shaking my cock by way of greeting, I would love it!It's actually mentioned once in the Bible when Abraham sent his servant off to acquire a wife for his son.To cup, two men stand face to face -- each slightly to the other's right.Place left arms over and around the shoulder/neck of the other man and use your arm to pull the other man close -- hugging. With your right hand, cup the other man's cock and balls.We have an expression, "I have your back." Cupping says, "You're safe with me; I have your balls."
Learned of this several months ago on a similar TN post. I have cupped quite a few times and highly recommend it. It is a physical manifestation of trust. An excellent step to begin a friendship.

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usually when somebody says they like my junk it's a gay dude wanna get down on it - it's all good

Not junk. Cocks are too important to belittle. No kids are made from junk. It may be light-hearted, but the words we choose about ourselves reflect our self-image. It's kind of like the difference between being proud of your six pack abs versus pulling in your gut. We need our pride!

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Yes to your precious divine treasure. Now you're talking - correct them please. Yes to all of ours!

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I had many men complimenting my dick. Even total randoms at the beach or public showers. My dick is a normal dick. Average size, average pubes, average hanging balls, uncut. They frequently complimented that it has a good shape, just the good size of balls and that I do not shave my hair. Sometimes there were guys that visibly watched my dick and when they noticed that i noticed that they were staring at my crotch, they just nodded their heads and showed me the thumbs up. :-D

Also quite frequent are compliments about my beard, hair generally and my height (194 cm or 6 feet, 4 inches).

Honestly, body-related compliments are more valued to me when they come from men. We have the same body and mind configuration so we can truly appreciate all those things.

I like to compliment men.

Nowadays, it is almost rude when a man compliments a woman. All that crazy ass female empowerment. Don't get me wrong - I am all for women, I hate sexist behavior (or any similar form of discrimination). But when a man says to a woman that she looks beautiful today and she starts screaming at him that he is a pig who only objectifies her as a sexual tool, there is something wrong with the world.

And that's why I try to deliberately compliment men more. And even more guys who have some issues about how they look. I encourage them to be proud of their naked body no matter the amount of muscle and shape and size of their dicks and balls. People who feel well in their naked bodies are the ones who are truly sexy.

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I personally would appreciate a compliment. Compliments from women is very rare so a compliment from a man is still nice.

If we're in a nude resort of spa where guys are more open minded then yeah feel free. You can look and compliment all you want.

In a gym locker room in the textile world you have to be more discredit about it. I just don't want other hearing and then you know.

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