I love the intricacies of the different shape/size looks to all vaginas and penises
I am fascinated, in a non sexual way, (and also in a sexual way in the right context) with the varying dynamic differences in our sexual organs. Much like anything else with our bodies, they are uniquely different. Maybe its because many times you can not easily focus on them but I love to see their different characteristics and personality. What about you?
A hand is a hand and a leg is a leg. They look similar by all people. Our main difference is our face, by men our penis and by women our breast and our vagina. Like the face the penis, the vagina and the female breast can show our mood.
Certainly almost all of us are exposed to constant variations of faces and we become tuned to the range we are exposed to, even, I guess, that our skills in identifying match our regional population. With the parts that most societies cover, there is certainly variation, although I imagine all but a few of us lack the skill to reliably identify others from those features, not least because the opportunities to examine them may not be as plentiful, even in a nudist context.
I don't feel I can examine random other people too closely, but it is a delight to casually observe the variations!